Anything about EASYDSLR Digital Photography Course you are not sure about?
Frequently asked Questions
Your Questions Answered
This Course looks too simple for me – is it only for Beginners?
EASYDSLR Digital Photography Course is Mostly for Beginners and usually Not for Professionals (although I do have a bunch of Professional Photographers taking it - like Colin from New Zealand - you can read his testimonial on the Testimonials page near the bottom). A lot of intermediate users are finding it useful.
More experienced Photographers are finding it useful by:
- Making the Transition to DSLR cameras
- Filling in the Gaps in knowledge
- Learning advanced topics like: Macro, Time Lapse, HDRi and HD video
I see DVD Icons – Is the course on DVD?
No, the course is 100% Online Video Training.
You may have wondered about the DVD Icons. They are just to represent the number of Videos in the Course. There is no Physical Product.
I feel the Benefits of Online Videos far outweigh those of DVDs, including:
- No Shipping Costs (I can keep the price down)
- No Shipping Delay = Instant Access
- The Membership site is Responsive (I can make fixes and improvements according to feedback from members)
- Updates and improvements are Instant
- Comment Section for Feedback and Questions
- Accessible anywhere with Internet (Mac, PC, iPhone and iPad)
- You don't need to worry about having a DVD Disc damaged or scratched making them unplayable.
When do I get my Videos?
You get Instant Access to all your Videos.
Check your Navigation Bar at the Top - Blue Members should have all Videos in The DSLR Basics Module up to "Flash Diffusers". Gold Members will have Access to 3 Additional Modules "Let's Get Creative", "Image Editing" and "DSLR Video"
I don't sell the "Unrolling" version of the Course anymore - if for some reason you have an earlier version of the course where all Videos are not Available please send an email with "Unlock Videos" to to have the whole course unlocked.
I can’t wait! Can I Access my Gold Members Videos early?
As a Gold Member you will have Access to 3 Additional Modules "Let's Get Creative", "Image Editing" and "DSLR Video"
I don't sell the "Unrolling" version of the Course anymore - if for some reason you have an earlier version of the course where all Videos are not Available please send an email with "Unlock Videos" to to have the whole course unlocked.
Will the Course work on my iPad or iPhone?
The Course runs fine on Mac, PC (works on Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer) , iPad (1&2) and iPhone 4. Â It should work on all iPhones and iPads including iPad 3, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, Â iPhone 3G or iTouch 4.
If you bought a HD Download option for the course you will be able to download directly to your iPad - click here for instructions
Coupon Code is not working… what’s happening?
If you are having trouble getting a Coupon Code working, either:
- Coupon Code has Expired
- Coupon Codes are Case sensitive - if the Code is in Lower Case Letters be sure to type it that way in the box
- Extra characters are included - make sure Coupon Code is typed into the box exactly. No spaces, only letters and numbers, Don't include "Coupon Code:" at the front
Where are my Login Details?
If your payment is successful you will be automatically logged into your Membership Site.
However, your Login Details will also be sent to you via email (your email you use on Payment). If you don't get the email in your inbox please check your spam/junk folder in case it has been filtered for some reason.
Do I need a DSLR Camera for this course?
Having a DSLR will give you the MOST out of the Course but there certainly is enough Photography Principles to satisfy any Digital Camera user.
Do sign up if you plan to get one in the near future - that way you can start learning and it may help with deciding what accessories you will want to purchase with your camera.
The "Composition" video includes content that will help any photographer (even with a point-and-shoot) improve their photos.
I’m behind and haven’t watched this week’s videos – can I watch them later?
Yes, you have Lifetime Access.
Once the videos are available in your Membership area you can watch them at any time in any order. Relax and watch them at your pace.
Playback of the Video is jerky .. what can I do?
All Internet connections are not equal. Depending on your internet connection you may find that sometimes Videos don't play smoothly or they pause frequently. All videos work fine on a reasonably fast internet connection (and reasonable computer).
I have recently upgraded the Membership to use Amazon Cloudfront so they should Stream better anywhere in the world.
Also - you can jump to any point quicker by clicking on the Timeline at the base of each Video.
If you are having trouble try this:
- Refresh or Reload the Page
- Use a different Browser
- Get a better Internet company 😉
I want Gold Membership – will I get the Blue Member Videos too?
Yes - You get ALL the Videos including the Blue Member Videos.
Blue Membership has the Basics you need to get up and running with your DSLR. I lay the Foundation and explain the concepts using the Photo Triangle. This gives you a 'bird's eye' view of the important settings and how they come together to create a good photo. Once you have the basics, you can take your Photography in many Directions. Some of those Directions are found in the Gold Membership.
Gold Membership has all the Blue Members Videos PLUS an additional 6 Hours of extra Training covering Creative Scenarios, Photo Editing and HD Video using DSLR Cameras.
What’s a DSLR?
DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex - the cameras that you can swap lenses and you actually look though the lens with the viewfinder system.

As seen on: