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Start getting Professional looking photos!

From: Ken Schultz

RE: EasyDSLR Blue Membership Course

October 22, 2024

Dear Fellow Photographer,

"Why are so many people frustrated trying to get great photos with their DSLR cameras?"

My Theory...

DSLR Cameras have become very affordable - practically mainstream!

Before: they were expensive and generally bought only by those who were Photographers already. They knew the principles and were often just upgrading from Film SLR Cameras. All that was required was to learn the quirks and tricks with Digital.

Now: you can buy a DSLR at Target, Costco, Best Buy and many other places (online and off). Places where regular folks and not just Photographers shop. The price combined with all the Advertising that DSLR Cameras lead to better photos has created a whole lot of DSLR owners.

It's true they DO take better Photos but you need the know-how. Most are not armed with the Photography Background to use them to their full potential - or half their potential!

That's where the frustration comes in.

If you are a lot like the DSLR owners I have worked with, you may be finding all the technical details and settings on your DSLR overwhelming.

Getting professional looking photos with a DSLR camera is certainly an art but also requires that you grasp the technical know-how and the Fundamental Principles in Photography.

It's not Rocket Science but can be confusing...

Trying to piece together the information you need to feel comfortable with your camera and get predictable results can be very difficult online. Too many choices and very often the information is scattered and not organized.

You can get great photos with your DSLR camera with luck. But if you are like most of my members you want a more systematic way of improving your photography. You want to get consistent results and when you DO get a great shot you want to know WHY so you can repeat it.

The good news is I have created Video training that Covers MOST of the key issues People are facing when trying to take Better Photos with their DSLR.

It's a Online Course called EasyDSLR, the step-by-step course that will have you taking more professional-looking photos in just four hours.

EasyDSLR is for true don’t need to have any prior experience or know-how.

In just a few hours, you’ll discover how easy it is to switch your camera off of auto settings and start shooting stunning photos, just like the pros.

This tested, proven photography course will work for you, EVEN IF you:

  • Have never used a digital SLR camera before…
  • Use auto settings every time you take a photo…
  • Have labeled yourself as “terrible photographer”…

Or, even if you DO know a thing or two, and you simply want to “fill in the gaps” so you can take more consistent photographs…

But I don't want you to take my word for it...

With 60 Days Money Back Guarantee you have more than enough time to try out EasyDSLR Course to see if it helps your photography! Click the Button below to get started or scroll down for more info...

Price $149 NOW 68% OFF & Lifetime Access


Includes BONUS "The Photo Triangle UNLOCKED" Video

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60 Days No Questions Asked Guarantee

I have a No Nonsense Guarantee: If you watch the Videos in this Course and find that either: Your Photos are not Improving through applying what you learn,  You don’t like my Accent 🙁 or for any Reason you are not happy with the Course send me an email in 60 Days of Buying and I will refund every cent you payed – no questions asked!

I would love to help you in your Quest to Improve your Photography - Click the "GET STARTED NOW" button to join me and get massive improvement in your photography... guaranteed!


Ken Schultz

Photographer and DSLR Coach

Curious about How this Online Training can help your Photography?...

Watch on Mac, PC, iPad or iPhone - Anytime!

Streaming Online Videos mean you will always have Access to your Videos wherever you have internet. LIFETIME ACCESS so NO Hurry to watch the Videos - go at YOUR OWN pace.

Wanna hear MORE about the EASYDSLR COURSE?

Click HERE for more about what is included in the course.

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