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Price $149 NOW 55% OFF & Lifetime Access


Includes BONUS "The Photo Triangle UNLOCKED" Video

From: Ken Schultz

RE: EasyDSLR Blue Membership Course

March 14, 2025

Dear Fellow Photographer,

If you are a lot like the DSLR owners I have worked with, you may be finding all the technical details and settings on your DSLR overwhelming.

Getting professional looking photos with a DSLR camera is certainly an art but also requires technical know-how. It also requires some understanding of the Fundamental Principles in Photography.

It's not Rocket Science but can be confusing...

Trying to piece together the information you need to feel comfortable with your camera and get predictable results can be very difficult online. Too many choices and very often the information is scattered and not organized.

You can get great photos with your DSLR camera with luck. But if you are like most of my members you want a more systematic way of improving your photography. You want to get consistent results and when you DO get a great shot you want to know WHY so you can repeat it.

The good news for you is I created EasyDSLR, the step-by-step course that will have you taking more professional-looking photos in just four hours.

EasyDSLR is for true beginners...you don’t need to have any prior experience or know-how.

In just a few hours, you’ll discover how easy it is to switch your camera off of auto settings and start shooting stunning photos, just like the pros.

This tested, proven photography course will work for you, EVEN IF you:

  • Have never used a digital SLR camera before…
  • Use auto settings every time you take a photo…
  • Have labeled yourself as “terrible photographer”…

Or, even if you DO know a thing or two, and you simply want to “fill in the gaps” so you can take more consistent photographs…

This is what you will get...

What's in the BLUE Membership Course?

You are given an Introduction to the Course that includes the PHOTO TRIANGLE - the Mind Map which shows you how all the settings and concepts to a Great Photo are connected.

In the Overview and DSLR Basics Modules you are taken through an explanation of DSLR cameras and Equipment then a look at Composition which includes:

  • What is Focal Length?
  • Prime vs Zoom Lenses
  • The GOLDEN MEAN and THIRDS rules for good Composition
  • How AutoFocus Points can help you Compose better

DSLR Basics also  covers all the essentials like:

  • Exposure and how ISO, Apeture and Shutter Speed affect it
  • The ALL Important HISTOGRAM
  • The Creative use of Shutter Speed
  • White Balance settings and Custom White Balance
  • Focus Modes and some tricks to getting Sharp images
  • Flash and how to use Diffusers for flattering shots

BLUE Membership consists of 12 Content Videos


Show Blue Videos +

Introductory Video (where I show you The Photo Triangle)

1. What’s a DSLR?

2. DSLR Essentials

3. Composition

4. Exposure: Intro and ISO

5. Exposure: Aperture

6. Exposure: Shutter Speed

7. White Balance Basics

8. Custom White Balance

9. Focusing Basics

10. Depth of Field

11. Flash Basics

12. Flash Diffusers

If you want to take Stunning Photos...

  • without getting a Degree in Photography
  • without wading though a tedious 400 page photography book
  • without spending 3 months stringing together knowledge from 50 websites and Youtube channels

Then you have come to the right place.

Over 81,700 Members (at last count) have taken my Course and I am getting great feedback about how it's helping people get the photos they want. Scroll down to see Member Comments...

How this Course will Save you tons of time:

Buying Blue Membership will save you time by showing you the best practices used by Pros - for example:

  • Most DSLR cameras (especially entry level) have at least 8 to 12 Modes on the Mode dial - the reality is Professionals use ONLY 2 Modes most of the time!
  • Discover the 2 creative modes and you will be shooting like the Pros! Understand how those modes work and you will be getting photos like the Pros!

It will also save you days of searching Youtube or other sites trying to piece together the basic understanding you need.

Having all the essentials you need in one place with a systematic step-by-step process will get you taking better photos in the shortest possible time.

Watch on Mac, PC, iPad or iPhone - Anytime!

Streaming Online Videos mean you will always have Access to your Videos wherever you have internet. LIFETIME ACCESS so NO Hurry to watch the Videos - go at YOUR OWN pace.

"So how do I get started?"... It's easy

Just follow the simple steps below and you will be instantly on your way to better photos

  • 1

    Click the " GET STARTED NOW" button BELOW!

    This will take you to a Secure Checkout page where you enter your credit card details and an Email address you will use for your Membership

  • 2

    Confirm Payment to go Directly to Your Membership Area

    You will be sent an email (to the address you enter at payment) with your Login Details for future reference (check your spam/junk folder if you don't see it in your Inbox)

  • 3

    Watch the Orientation Video and Dive in!

    The Home page of your Membership Area has an orientation video that introduces the PHOTO TRIANGLE (essentially the Mind Map of the Core principles) and talks about the structure of the course. For total beginners I recommend following the BLUE Videos in order for a solid foundation.

EasyDSLR BLUE Membership gives You:

  • Start Mastering your DSLR Camera by knowing the The Essentials
  • Improve your photos overnight with these Composition Tips and Secrets
  • Nail the Exposure of your photos by learning Exposure, ISO, Histogram, Aperture and Shutter Speed through practical demonstrations
  • Finally understand White Balance and Custom White Balance to get the perfect color in your images.
  • You will be taking Sharp, Crisp photos after learning AUTO Focus and the All Important Depth of Field
  • See how Flash Photography will Transform your photos when you know the 3 Main Uses of Flash and how to get Flattering Portraits with Diffusers

Over 4 Hours: 12 BLUE Videos

Special for Blue Membership

Price $149 NOW 55% OFF & Lifetime Access


Includes BONUS "The Photo Triangle UNLOCKED" Video


  • B

    The Photo Triangle Unlocked

    Video Length: 15 min 57 seconds

BONUS: Discover How The Photo Triangle is used "in the Field",  including:

  • Simplify taking great photos by knowing the Key elements
  • Remember Key Values so you can instantly dial in the settings you need in any situation
  • Discover how the Photo Triangle helps you think about taking awesome shots
  • This Practical demonstration of the Photo Triangle 'in the field' will help you dramatically improve your photography approach
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I have a No Nonsense Guarantee:  If you watch the Videos in this Course and find that either: Your Photos are not Improving through applying what you learn,  You don’t like my Accent 🙁 or for any Reason you are not happy with the Course send me an email in 60 Days of Buying and I will refund every cent you payed – no questions asked!

The bottom line is that EasyDSLR guarantees you can start taking professional looking photographs WITHOUT a huge investment of time and money.

And this is true, even if you think you've seen and tried everything when it comes to taking better pictures...

If you do want to dig deeper and uncover the amazing potential of your digital camera this course may be perfect for you.

I would love to help you on your journey to better photos.


Ken Schultz

Photographer and DSLR Coach

If you have any Questions about the Course – head over to the FAQ page

You will be sent your Login Details immediately after Successful Payment on the Secure Checkout page - just scroll up and click the "GET STARTED NOW" Button Now.


What are Members saying about the Course?

What Ken does, he takes you through the basics of all the buttons on the camera, what they do, how they interact with each other. And kind of through the basic understanding of photography. And then, after each video I would go out and practice what he taught in a particular video. And I was like, Ahhh! So THAT‘S how that works.

I came away from the experience going through all the videos feeling like, ok NOW I can make something happen, and I enjoy going out and trying some of the different things

Rich Healey
Rich Healey

Excellent for beginners. This is a great course if you need to learn the basics of DSLR. The author takes time to explain each concept and does a very good job at it. If you are new and interested in photography, this is a great course to start with.

Durai Kannan
Durai Kannan

...as someone that had never done any kind of video course before and didn’t know anything about DSLR cameras before, that I found every aspect of his course to be both educational, practical, easy to follow and really changed my relationship to being able to use a camera with greater confidence ... I highly, highly recommend him for anybody.

Aura S
Aura S

I managed to scrape together enough money for a DSLR camera when my son was born last fall, and although I have a lot of experience with image editing (GIMP), I was clueless with cameras. After stumbling through random and conflicting online resources, my wife bought me your course (both) for my birthday. I really appreciate how you take these concepts and make them simple and approachable, and take the time to go through examples; you are a real pleasure to watch and listen to. You’re a fantastic teacher, and now I am completely in love with my camera…

James Young
James Young

I’m always happy to get more than what I bargained for and this course certainly fits that bill. As a true DSLR beginner, I have learned a lot more about my camera and about getting the type of shots I want. I appreciated the comparison shots Ken took to show the effects of different settings and lighting, and I felt that the WB portion was done particularly well. I will take the advanced course next, but I know that I will be revisiting concepts from this course often. Thank you so much for such a well-organized and informative course.

Melissa Houseal
Melissa Houseal

I found that your lessons and instruction led to my BEST results by far! I have never been taught so much. So much I didn't know! Just the way your lessons are presented are so clear and not so long the're boring. It keeps you on edge throughout the videos (at least on first view) where you just want to keep watching more and more! And of course go out and experiment.

Chris Ellis
Chris Ellis

For more comments by happy customers see my Testimonials page.

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